Thursday, October 6, 2011

What are possible causes for 96 windstar running hot?

started as only at an idle now happens while driving. Has never actually overheated. I can get the temp to come down if I can get the heater to blow hot air (when temp guage goes to hot, it usually starts blowing cold air even on heat) We tried changing thermostat already and water level is fine.
What are possible causes for 96 windstar running hot?
Changing the themostat was a good first move but if your still blowing cold air and the engine still getting hot, sounds like the radiator is clogged. You you to get it flushed and cleaned at a repair shop. The coolant is not circulating through the system properly. Common with an older radiator.
What are possible causes for 96 windstar running hot?
radiator not working
could be a bad belt,water pump,pourous cylinder head,bad head gasket,faulty radiator,bad radiator cap,bad hose,bad thermostat etc...

could be alot of things if your a female take your car to someone u trust or not u may be taken to the cleaners.
Sounds like you need to have the radiator checked,sometimes the radiators get clogged and fluid wont flow through the cooling ports,also you need to check to see if your water pump is pumping the way it should,this can be done by removing the radiator cap(while engine is cold) and watching the fluid as the engine warms up, when the thermostat opens you should be able to see the fluid flow quickly.

If you don't have a radiator cap (as in a closed system reservoir)you have to take it to a shop...

Also you mentioned WATER LEVEL...make sure you only use the anti-freeze coolant mixture recommended by your manufacturer!!!

using 100% water only will cause the engine to run hotter than normal and will damage the engine by clogging the tiny ports in the head and in the radiator.

I have seen this happen numerous time here in the south because people think that since we don't get freezing weather that they don't need but it is a better coolant than palin water
There are a few possibilities. The most likely is a bad water pump. Check the belts though make sure there good. When the car is running make sure the belt is turning freely. I would say most likely it's the water pump. A clocked or partially clogged radiator can also be to blame (much rarer though). In some case a blown head gasket or intake gasket can be to blame but you would be losing coolant.
you may have an air bubble trapped in the system. I had same prob. I did the following. With engine cold, removed rad cap, raised front of vehicle as high as I could with a jack and started engine. As vehicle got up to operating temp, air bubbles started comming out into the rad. this fixed my problem any way.
Start car let it run until Normal temp,Now Feel top rad Hose -Hot:Water is moving ,not Hot air-lock Remedy Disconnect top rad Hose --do this with a cool eng, Start car does water come out at Normal temp? Yes Good:

Also watch Rad Fan does it come on at Normal temp,Low speed now turn on Air -cond: You should hear Fan switch to high;