the t-stat is located at the back of the head in the LOWER radiator hose connection below the distributor-on the passenger side of engine. find the end of the hose and remove the part
it connects to on the engine-you will need to be patient as one of the 10mm bolts that hold the thermostat hous
ing is vvery hard to access easily-anything in the way should be removed,if possible to make it possible to remove...remember when you add coolant to bleed the system via the bleed screw located where the UPPER radiator connecs to the engine on the passenger side at the front of the cylinder head- when air stops coming out close the screw by tightening it. continue filling untill full (fill reservoir too) . run engine untill warmed up, stop it and let it cool down-re-check level of coolant.fill as needed.
Also remember to check everywhere for coolant leaks before your date!!!!!!
How do you change the thermostat on a 1993 Acura integra?
The upper radiator hose goes to the thermostat case, remove it and the case to replace the thermostat. Assemble with new gaskets or hondabond. Then unscrew the bleeder valve and fill it with new coolant mix.
How do you change the thermostat on a 1993 Acura integra?
Be sure its at the upper radiator hose before you start, on some of the newer cars the thermostat is at the lower rad. hose, this has prove to help the engine cool better, and use new coolant and a pan to catch the old coolant. God Bless
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