I need to change the thermostat on a 1995 pontiac grand-am and have looked several times for it,Can somebody please help
Where is the thermostat located on a 1995 potiac grand-am?
Follow the upper radiator hose back to the top of the engine. The housing that the hose attaches to contains the thermostat.
Where is the thermostat located on a 1995 potiac grand-am?
If its a 2.3 L then its under the water pump by the firewall on the passenger side of the engine compartment.
Get a Haynes manual for this at Autozone....
follow the upper radiator house to where it leads.sometimes it can lead to the top of the engine or to the bottom
if it is a v6 you will fined it on the drivers side under the t-body or if it is a 4cylinder you will fined it at the back of the engine in the lower rad hose their will be 2 8mm bolts you have to get from the top