I just changed my thermostat on my '03 Neon because the fan won't turn off unless its been driving for a long time, and I noticed no fluid behind it on the engine side. Is that normal??
I started the car up and she warmed up to operating temp, but the fan is still running. It rarely turns off, but it does turn off so its not the electrics.
Any idears?
if your A/C is on it will run constantly. Newer cars have 2 to 3 sensors that control your electric fan. go to your local auto zone and ask them if they would look up your make and model to see how many sensors it has, its free
The switch for the fan is usually at the bottom of the radiator, it will have two wires coming from it to the fan motor. Over a period of time the switch will go bad and|or the bottom of the radiator will fill up with junk and the switch will malfunction.
It sounds like you may have a radiator leak. When the engine is cold, remove the radiator cap. There should be water directly under the cap. If not it is leaking out somewhere, you are over-heating and the fan is doing its job.