ANy diagrams and detailed directions would be greatly apperciated
Need help changing a thermostat on 94 gram dam v6 3.1?
All GM thermos are underneath the upper rad hose that connects to the left side of the rad, left being when you sit in the drivers seat. Usually it is only a matter of removing the hose and two bolts to pop a new one in. However if this is the motor I'm thinking about, the housing is behind the exhaust pipe that crosses over from the front one to the back one. These are hard to change. If you have swivel sockets you can still get it out, but these are tough. Bolts have a tendency of dropping down somewhere and becoming lost. If it is this one and you're a rookie, take it to a mech and let him fight with it.
Need help changing a thermostat on 94 gram dam v6 3.1?
question 4 u... what the @#$@ is a gram dam?
Follow the upper radiator hose to the engine and you'll run into the thermostat housing, remove the 2 bolts holding that down and theres your thermostat
good luck in changing it. you cant. have to take it to a machanic
Follow your upper radiator hose to the engine - it is located right under it. Don't forget after you have changed the thermostat to leave the radiator cap off - bring your engine up to operating temperature - turn on your heater - add more anti freeze as needed until you have all the air out of the system. good luck