Friday, June 3, 2011
Should goodyear change thermostat anytime a water pump is replaced?
Charged me $400 to replace water pump on 93 aerostar. Made it five miles to work before it overheated, had it towed back and now they tell me it needs a thermostat. You would think a pressure test would have told them I needed a thermostat? Another $74 for thermostat.|||complain ,complain COMPLAIN!!! go back to the shop when they are likley busy an ***** to the service writer. goodyear sucks, so yeah i do have an axe to grind. if you make a scene they will most likley do it for nothing(%26#039;stat and gasket costs like 6 dollars) these idiots replaced the in tank fuel pump in my SHO taurus and never hooked the fuel filler back up!! 7 gallons of gas on the ground(i was up wind)|||sounds like u didnt need the [politely] write Goodyear abt how unhappy you are...i did it with advance auto...the told me i needed a battery...the new one had the same 12 volts on the gauge...the guy said the computer had to reset,,,i said ur nuts...the next day i had a new alternator installed....the gave me a refund and an apology for the battery...a nice letter/e mail..good luk|||i am assuming you took it to the shop originally for an overheating problem?? if they replaced the water pump for that problem they should have at a minimum checked it for overheating when they were done. somewhere they should have a book in the shop that shows labor hours to replace parts, ask to see that, they won%26#039;t want to show you, but, insist in it!!! $74 thermostat change????!!!!! WOW. around here that would be almost 2 hours of labor costs. 5 or 6 bucks to buy a thermostat at almost any parts store. I have never spent more than 50 bucks for a water pump!! i don%26#039;t beleve a pressure test would pick up a faulty thermostat.|||Whether or not they SHOULD have, I ALWAYS change the thermostat when I replace a water pump. Did you tell them to replace it? Shops like that usually only do work on the repair order, nothing else. If I were you, I%26#039;d do it myself next time or take it to a REAL mechanic, the guys at places like you went to are all recent vo-tech grads that can%26#039;t get a job in a real shop. You could have done this job yourself for under $100, INCLUDING the thermostat.|||you got ripped off big time!